How Do You Maintain Hygiene While Camping

How Do You Maintain Hygiene While Camping?

When you go camping, a few things simultaneously happen. First, you sweat a lot, and it’s hard to get clean if you are dirty. Second, you may get hungry, and when you get hungry while you are camping, it’s easy to forget about your hygiene. Finally, you may be uncomfortable, and that makes it hard to get clean.

How Do You Maintain Hygiene While Camping 09

There are many ways to camp and different needs for different people. Some people need to carry everything, some need an outfitter to take care of them or they may want a tent they can build on their own. At the other end of the spectrum are those who just need the basics: a campfire, some food, an outfitter to take care of them. However, there are a few things no camper should be without maintaining hygiene while camping.

How Do You Stay Clean Without Showering While Camping?

Does it really take 10 minutes to shower a day? Or is it just the idea of not showering that’s keeping you from keeping yourself clean? Whatever the case, taking an extra 10 minutes out of your day to take a shower sounds tempting. But when you’re camping, taking that time may not be available. And if you’re worried about falling off the hygiene wagon, you’re probably concerned about the fact that you’ll feel dirty. So how do you stay clean while camping? We’ll start with the basics.

1. Pack two clothes and wash them every night

2. Bathe in Nature

3. Don’t Forget the Sanitizer and Baby Wipes

4. Make use of dry shampoo

5. Dress in moisture-wicking garments

6. Use a Sleeping Bag Liner

1. Pack two clothes and wash them every night

Camping can be a great way to get out in nature and get away from the everyday hustle, but one of the biggest challenges can take care of yourself and your gear. With a little planning and the right gear, you can avoid a few of the more common camping blunders.

Your clothes would be less fresh after a long day of outdoor activity. If you have access to a natural spring of non-standing water, you may use it to wash your clothes and hang them to dry overnight. To avoid dirty shoes from stinking, you can toss in your shoe the “NEWBEA Bamboo Charcoal Air Purifying Deodorizer”, and leave them in your boots overnight.

2. Bathe in Nature

Camping is one of the best ways to spend some time in nature, and while it can be great fun, it can also be extremely frustrating if you don’t know how to keep yourself clean. “Bathe in Nature” is a funny, yet serious blog that posts about how you can maintain hygiene while camping and make your camping experience more enjoyable, safer, and more hygienic (clean). Your gear isn’t left behind, see; “The Cleaning Process To Get Your Stove Looking Like New Again.”

3. Don’t Forget the Sanitizer and Baby Wipes

We often forget to properly maintain hygiene while camping. First, we forget the sanitizer. Then we forget to use the wipes. And then the baby wipes, then we forget to wash our hands. And then we pick up some kind of nasty bug because our hygiene is so poor.

If you want to avoid this problem, bring along a bit of hand sanitizer, some baby wipes, and a bottle of water to wash your hands after you eat. These items are cheap and multipurpose.

There are a lot of surprising things that can spread to a campground, even when you’re trying to stay clean. One of the most common is the bacteria that grows naturally in the soil. You can be exposed to these bacteria in a variety of ways, including when you dig for your tent stakes, pitch your tent, or walk through a muddy campsite. When you do, these microscopic germs can get stuck to your hands and clothes, and then get on the food you prepare.

4. Make use of dry shampoo

Dry shampoo is one of those items that people either love or hate—we know there are very few people who hate it, but everyone else has an opinion about it. And for good reason, since it can be a lifesaver when you’re camping away from a shower or when you’re doing some hiking in the mountains. Dry shampoo may even be the best way to keep your camping trip looking fresh and clean.

Even if you’re not going camping, dry shampoo is an excellent way to keep your hair clean when you don’t have the capacity (or time) to wash. To reduce oil, dry shampoo comes in a powder form that you can shake directly into your hair. It’s also fantastic for boosting volume… a plus if you’re out on the trail trying to impress someone special!

5. Dress in moisture-wicking garments

If you’ve tried to camp in a thick shirt and pants, you know that while they’re not too bad, they’re not the most comfortable way to camp. So the trick to staying warm while camping is to keep your body dry. Just as you should wear sunscreen to avoid sunburn, wear a moisture-wicking shirt and pants to prevent your skin from getting wet and uncomfortable.

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6. Use a Sleeping Bag Liner

As summer approaches, many of us are planning a camping trip or preparing for a hike. One key element to remember while on the trail is to make sure your gear is clean and to prevent those pesky skin irritations that insects and the elements can cause. Your sleeping bag liner is the first layer of material that contacts the outside. A liner will protect the more important elements of your sleeping bag, your body, your head and face, and your hands. They are also great protection for your clothing, and they can help you stay dry while you sleep. (source 001)

In Conclusion

You know the saying: “Cleanliness is next to godliness.” I’ve always assumed that waxing the legs, cleaning the ears, and washing the fingernails is what we should do daily. After all, washing your hands is one of the most important things you can do for your health, and taking care of your body is the same thing as taking care of your soul.

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